bigcommerce-api-python copied to clipboard
Shipment hasn't field "items"
How get items of shipment using this lib? Doc of shipment has point "items"
order = client.Orders.get(1)
shipment = order.shipments()[0]
# or
shipments = client.OrderShipments.all(1)[0] # id of order
# it returns <function items>
items = shipments.items
# it returns a list of fields without items
items = shipments.items()
# it returns KeyError: 'items'
How can I get it using this lib?
Same problem arisen here, i am also unable to get shipment items within order.
In python dict object has standard function, which is items and item function return attributes of dict along with values in the form of list of tuples. For example: dict.items**({"key":"val"})** function will return [(u'key', u'val')].
Now while creating object, it discard the attribute items, this is bug and has to fix or has to change its attribute name items to any other attribute.
Resolution to your problem is: Go to base class in /bigcommerce/resource/ and open the file using any editor. and insert a new line (I.e where i have written changed/newly added)
class Mapping(dict):
provides '.' access to dictionary keys
def __init__(self, mapping, *args, **kwargs):
Create a new mapping. Filters the mapping argument
to remove any elements that are already methods on the
For example, Orders retains its `coupons` method, instead
of being replaced by the dict describing the coupons endpoint
filter_args = {k: mapping[k] for k in mapping if k not in dir(self)}
filter_args['_items'] = mapping['items'] if mapping.has_key("items") else [] #Changed/Newly Added
self.__dict__ = self
dict.__init__(self, filter_args, *args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
Display as a normal dict, but filter out underscored items first
return str({k: self.__dict__[k] for k in self.__dict__ if not k.startswith("_")})
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s at %s, %s>" % (type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), str(self))