
Results 11 comments of kawing-chiu

Exactly the same problem here. The tcp connection to SQL server dies after around 40 seconds if using softether vpn (with securenat enabled). This issue does not exist if connecting...

I investigated the issue a bit further and captured packets on both the client side and the server side. Due to lack of knowledge in tcp protocol debugging, I am...

Now I conduct the same test when securenat is in kernel-mode. The client / server settings is the same as above. This time the connection breaks after idling for about...

To sum up: This bug occurs whether the securenat fucntion is in kernel/raw ip mode or in user mode. While in these two cases the same symptom is exhibited from...

Obviously Ret Hat is putting all resources into the development of [podman](https://github.com/containers/libpod) and [buildah](https://github.com/containers/buildah), rkt had been abandoned. It seems that podman is already [in a good shape](https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-shareable-systemd-services).

I think it would be great if we can have some configuration files (at both user and project level) to specify hunter configuration for the user/project, in addition to those...

+1 Ratchet seems to be the only lib that my recent project uses but not available from npm while bootstrap can be installed from npm.

Can't imagine that it's still not there......

Same issue here. Cannot install line_profiler for python 3.7.

@mikf Can we have an option to download these livephotos into a separate folder? Because many image viewers don't support livephotos, it's quite annoying to mix them with normal photos...