Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

@aadog It seems that I had an account from 2020 September when I tried to login it shows my name and my photo. However, I can't login because the app...

Hello @htle2101, I don't think so, the index.html is navigated to its parent route, that's correct, did you try `app.HandleDir("/static/doc", iris.Dir("./static"))`?

Hello @Akira0215, that's a good one. Based on the comments at and, after go 1.17 (caused the issue). We have the option to use a middleware to convert...

It' already released @Akira0215, `go get[email protected]` or just `@master`. You are welcome!

Hello @ozguncagri, Probably the `webdavHandler` handles more than the root path so you should register it with a wildcard path parameter: ```go app.Any("/{p:path}", iris.FromStd(webdavHandler)) ``` Try it first and if...

I've just tested it @ozguncagri and it works as expected with `app.Any("/{p:path}", iris.FromStd(webdavHandler))`. I' ve added an example of that as well. * List files: `curl --location --request PROPFIND 'http://localhost:8080'`...

Hi @ozguncagri, I don't have access to windows right now. Do you have an HTTP client (cURL or postman) example that I can replicate it?

I found it and it works, create a new directory "newdir" in your executable's dir. ```sh curl --location --request COPY 'http://localhost:8080/test.txt' \ --header 'Destination: newdir/test.txt' ```

Cyberduck fails too? I thought you said it's working

There is no difference between standard http server's handler and .Any("/{p:path}, handler). It's strange that it fails while the actual http command works. We have to find out what windows...