Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Oh @majidbigdeli I just saw it. It's the only one missing part of the neffos repo's javascript-equivalent example. It's already ready on my local machine but I didn't have enough...

Just to give some details: For the browser: As you said there is no method in the JavaScript WebSockets [API]( for specifying additional headers for the browser to send. Therefore...

**Updated** For the nodejs: You can simply use the `http.request.options` literal, which can contain a `headers: { 'key': 'value'}` as documented at For the browser: I made it to...

Thank you a lot @majidbigdeli! Yeah the solution of yours is fine and you can still use it but, you know, we needed a way to separate any user-specific url...

Hello @mbecker and sorry for the delay, What do you mean by "the returned error should be caught and sent to the end user properly"? This is done on server's...

Hello @aadog, sorry for the delay. I think this is for the front-end library ([neffos.js]( I don't see why it doesn't work on your example, it seems that client side...

Hello @achillis2016, sorry for the delay. I've made a commit which prints the web browser-accessible urls based on your request. Please upgrade using `go get` and try it. When...

Hello @Ns2Kracy, thanks for the PR. I wrote some review comments on the commits, please take a look whenever you have time.

Hello @Ns2Kracy, you can see all the PR's commit comments right above of my prior comment or go to the pull request commits at: