Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

However you can check if it's closed by `nsConn.conn.isClosed()` *

It's my pleasure @majidbigdeli !!! It's done with neffos.js: and neffos: Simple by pass a `options.reconnect: 5000` (milliseconds to try reconnect, 0 means disabled, defaults to 0) to...

@majidbigdeli You need to communicate across web browser windows, this requires some knowedge about the window api and how `postMessage` works, read the links below to learn how: -

Thanks @majidbigdeli !!! I updated the API a bit giving some more information on the connection itself, go: `Conn.ReconnectTries int` and `Conn.WasReconnected() bool` (the server can decide if allow this...

Updated: reconnection is available on nodejs side as well.

@majidbigdeli, no need to duplicate the issues, this belongs to this repository:P But yes... javascript replace works with regexp, funny that it worked locally, anyway... I'll replace it...

Hey no worries @majidbigdeli !!! Does the new neffos.js version fixed the issue?

OK that's normal, first of all: The `ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED` as I describe in my code comments, is coming from the google chrome browser and there is no way to disable it...

Nice @majidbigdeli , however, you don't need an external middleware for that, just set a header: `w.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")` can I ask why you don't use Iris in this one? You...

You are amazing @majidbigdeli thank you for your truly support once again! Earlier today I've pushed a new Iris [feature]( that some of my clients wanted as well, it's not...