Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

You're welcome @rogerwelin, it's my honor! I've just pushed the first [PR]( in this repository as well! I could help you structuring your project (including some use cases I find...

Hello @TommasoAmici sorry for the delay, You need to cast ResponseWriter to `*muxie.Writer` and then get its standard writer, example code: ```go mux.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { serveWs(hub, w.(*muxie.Writer).ResponseWriter,...

@CarbonFactory There is no need to look on negroni. I already implement all those things you mention in the [iris web framework]( itself. Muxie is all about simplicity and net/http...

Cors example:

No worries, you are welcome @herugen!

Hello @roderick-liu, this is happening because you've tried to install the stable version with the `master` version of Iris, the middleware should be installed using the `@master` suffix, just like...

Hmmm I don't quite understand, can you please describe it a bit more?

aaa you talk about automatic reconnection, yes I had that in mind but let's not hurry, this is an active project and the next update will contain automatic reconnection, we...

OK let me implement it now then :)