Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Hello @1hitOVER, That's great news! Send me a message, if you need my assistance on anything. Wikis? new subdomain for spanish? Anything.

Thank you @1hitOVER @jinil-ha, PRs accepted, good work! Thank you for your contribution to the community!

@koddr added Russian translations with [PR#1412]( Thanks! Rel to:

French translation added by @Natnatf, PR:

Hello @ahliweb , there is Indonesian [video course on youtube]( with 23 parts covering the MVC features of Iris, however you must update the path and read the latest [changelog](

@joewongex There is Chinese Iris wiki for v12.1.8 written by the amazing @snowlyg at: Also there are some Iris articles at, e.g.: And also I am preparing...

Hello @RelicOfTesla, Thanks for the issue. However, the [master]( branch( which contains the upcoming Iris version) does **not** expose its internals like the `DispatchCommonHandler` which was called by your hero...

V is just a custom value of JSON, XML and e.t.c., in the end it is written as raw bytes in the response body, so the ctx.Recorder().Reset() or SetBody will...

Hello @RelicOfTesla, it's done, the final API is a bit different that your proposal but I think you will prefer that, take a look an example (currently in `master` branch,...