Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Results 259 comments of Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Thanks @RainerGevers and @shadowfiga :heart: Please check your GitHub notifications, you've been invited to the iris-premium private repository which includes the current version of the e-book and access to a...

Thanks @acdias and @rfunix and @liheyuan :heart: Please check your GitHub notifications, you've been invited to the iris-premium private repository which includes the current version of the e-book and access...

Hey @trading-peter. First of all thank you for the donation, it is the highest amount we ve got from an individual. You are invited again ❀️

Hello @sado0823 , The `iris.FromStd` doesn't work here? ```go app.Use(iris.FromStd(TimeoutHandler(10 * time.Second))) // or app.UseRouter(...). ```

Hello @fdsnsf the build-time is slower, not the serve-time, please note that in your title. We use slice instead of map because of `Route.DeepEqual` but this may change in the...

Yes @tuhao1020 through the `AddRouteUnsafe`. Example can be found at the [configuration.go file](

Hello @Dexus, v5 should work too, I will take a look. I see [v6.0.2]( was released some days ago, we will upgrade to that. EDIT: it looks like the

Hello @Dexus, first of all **Congratulations** and happy marriage!! I have a "gift" for you, just pushed a commit which allows to pass custom error handlers when a path type...

@Dexus the code snippet you sent me is working here. Can you please provide one which reproduces the issue? Maybe you have one with a template file which calls a...

Hello @kcrazy , > I set up session A, and B. But I see two records in redis. One contains A, the other contains B. I don't understand the issue,...