Karthik Iyengar
Karthik Iyengar
Is there any possibility of eliminating immutable and the entire lodash package from the dependencies? ~100kb seems to be a very high price to pay for a modal window.
It would be great if the MPRIS2 Widget can support actions upon click. The [Mpris2 client](https://github.com/taffybar/taffybar/blob/d4a7d3d32e0d1dacd5139504d762c66cfc4ff458/src/System/Taffybar/DBus/Client/MPRIS2.hs) already has bindings for issuing [actions](https://github.com/taffybar/taffybar/blob/d4a7d3d32e0d1dacd5139504d762c66cfc4ff458/dbus-xml/org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.xml). It should be possible to use the CanPlay,...
This is also in close connection with #420 For instance, I would like to use the original request to tag along `req.user` which contains my user details - something that...
Prior discussions: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client-devtools/pull/951 https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client-devtools/discussions/380 This PR adds support for using Apollo DevTools with iframes by leveraging the `all_frames` capability afforded to browser extensions. Since we're using fork actively as an...
### Steps to reproduce 1. Book an appointment in a Timezone different than your home timezone 2. Check the Calendar webapp. The event should be displayed in your home timezone....
The process of exporting manually to Hugo pages seems a bit painful, and I was wondering if we can figure out a way to automate this. Broadly speaking, a setup...
Currently unsupported. Devices using this: Clevo N150U, Clevo N151ZU, System76 Darter Pro, Tuxedo InfinityBook v5 Prior art: https://github.com/nmikhailov/Validity90/issues/69 Happy to dig around, support, collaborate, code.
Support for restify can be added in style of `restify.plugins.requestLogger` and `restify.plugins.auditLogger`. I'm currently trying to make this work by building the context object manually.