Karri Rasinmäki

Results 6 issues of Karri Rasinmäki

Warning: Can't resolve all parameters for Custom in /node_modules/wp-api-angular/Custom.d.ts: ([object Object], [object Object], ?). This will become an error in Angular v5.x

I've been working with WP authentication and implementing it into this library. I've been testing this in my own projects for a while now. Still, some work needs to be...

Happens with on LV2, LinuxVST, and standalone version. The standalone version doesn't even open up, it just freezes the system completely. Plugin versions open the GUI after a struggle. Usually,...

How about creating gemspec for this theme to make it gem theme? Also, Jekyll could be updated to version 4 and jekyll-pagination to jekyll-pagination-v2. This PR is not intended to...

Hi, in this PR I have updated deprecated gnustl_shared to c++_shared. Library gnustl_shared is no longer supported and the project cannot be built using it. Sorry to include other changes...

**I'm submitting a...** - [x] Bug report. - [ ] Feature request. ## Bug report ## **What is the current behavior?** Mixdown crashes: ``` ~ WARNING:mixdown: Something went wrong when...
