Karol Mierzejewski

Results 7 issues of Karol Mierzejewski


https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/Configuration-Options `Configuring multiple accounts to work intelligently with the Reply function has its own section: MultipleAccountsAndReply` Page: `https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/MultipleAccountsAndReply` is missing.

Does not match urls with hashtag, for example: `https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/1765#issuecomment-272132429` It also has problems with query parameters: `http://www.ups.com/WebTracking/track?loc=pl_PL` How can i change pattern matching urls? This should be described on: https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/Follow-an-uri

Hello! Right now, I'm trying to run `img build -o type=docker,dest=image2.tar -t myimage:latest .` Unfortunately I have to split this into two commands: `img build -t myimage:latest . ` and...

When I'm using this module npm forces me to download version of angular that I didn't want to use. Only angular core should be main dependency, and version 2.whatever would...


All changes are done on Input change, so OnPush strategy would be viable, and would provide that sweet sweet performance boost. `changeDetection:` ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush`

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rest-service: Could not resolve dependencies for project de.escalon.rest:rest-service:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.springframework.hateoas:spring-hateoas:jar:0.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1] Could you port aplication to 0.4.0-RELEASE version...