Karol Mierzejewski
Karol Mierzejewski
I know it's not a best solution, but I think you can mount your certificate on kaniko registry: -v /etc/ssl/certs:/kaniko/ssl/certs
@nbauernfeind Did you have any new ideas? Brotli support: content encoding br would be pretty sweet too.
Do you guys know what is the last working version? There is a same issue with RunawayProcessKiller.
There are a few flavors that exist for each version. With one flavor I was successful, so maybe try all of them? The fattest binary was not working for me,...
I think that you should use runaway process killler extension, as described in docs. I have same problem as you do, but I cannot get this thing to work, I...
My problem was solved by using different binary - the fat one did not work, resulting in this error, while the leaner ones worked.
@fxck You can extend actions with effects, you just have to make sure you have 1 to 1 mapping from string to class and then you can simply cast it...
Related to https://github.com/researchgate/gradle-release/issues/186
As a workaround, you can disable lint checks entirely, and add git hook before commit. I would love to know proper solution too.
I'll try to prepare fix for #1, probably no earlier than on weekend. I'll have to learn a bit about creating typings for npm packages first.