Karl Bartel

Results 47 comments of Karl Bartel

We use it to assign a single reviewer, but sometimes (although rarely) no one gets assigned. Maybe that is caused by the same underlying issue.

Could we add a message like "This file is autogenerated using the command ..." to the top? This might prevent more cases of manual editing.

It's not just the preview. The dollar-syntax is not recognized as math. Probably the pandoc [math extensions][1] are not enabled in markup.rocks. [1]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#math-input

Trying to get proper history for each of my panes, I've written the following code for my bashrc: ``` # if running tmux, keep a separate bash history for each...

I see the same problem after waiting a long time (tried with Firefox): > Error > There is no CLA to sign for raiden-network/raiden > (upstream request timeout)

Thanks for spotting this problem, @hiltjo! This should be solved by https://github.com/karlb/smu/pull/4. Do you agree, or would you expect different output in this case?

Your fix in https://git.codemadness.org/smu/commit/84c908fb6f3609c25ea60c57c7009490c3c77044.html breaks the following commonmark: ``` Foo [bar](/url/ "Title with "quotes" inside"). ``` I can understand if you see this as a pathological case and don't want...

See https://github.com/karlb/smu/pull/6 for improvement suggestions.

I've looked at the 15 latest failures due to flakyness and found the following errors: * 4x TimeoutExpired * 10x Setup and Call timeout >540.0s * 1x matrix_client.errors.MatrixRequestError: 403: {"errcode":"M_FORBIDDEN","error":"No...

Here's a Makefile that helps with getting logs for failed tests in bulk. It's still quite rough (needs multiple make runs to actually finish all steps), but might be helpful...