
Results 24 comments of karkir0003

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if that works better for you!

@MustafaBadilli were you able to figure out how to mock firebase auth for unit testing a django ninja api endpoint?

> Hi @lgabs well generally testing django-ninja based project is no different than testing any other django project but, yeah.. I guess I'll add some section about some specific testing...

> No, unfortunately @karkir0003 Thanks for the help. I was fortunately able to find a workaround that worked for my use case through using `pytest` and `monkeypatch`

whats the arn for python 3.9 for pandas for x86 us-west-2

nv mind. got it to work. needed to search json lmao

@lahirumaramba when will this pr get reviewed/approved to be merged? this change would be so nice to have for firebase

@Leooo, how were you able to resolve this issue. I have some code where I'm trying to use a pandas layer for python 3.9 in moto. I use `pd.__file__` to...