
Results 24 comments of karkir0003

@creyD What would be the ETA on having this bug resolved. My dev team's project uses your action as part of our build checks

It seems like using version 4.3 works @creyD. I'll keep you posted if another error comes up

@szagoruyko @willprice

so the .from_numpy() bascially converts numpy array into torch.tensor

how can I remedy this issue? @albanD

so when I do predict on the model, am I to return the prediction as a torch tensor?

Also, one other question I have is this: Suppose that my model architecture is of the form: ``` import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable class DLModel(nn.Module):...

@nick-brown, @rochacbruno, @ibratoev

Another error that came up when I typed in `localhost:8000/apidocs` ![openapi](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54720987/230722923-fa88099f-2aa7-4274-b7ef-10f1ade939e3.PNG)

@rochacbruno could you or someone from the flasgger team please help me out