Karatuğ Ozan Bircan
Karatuğ Ozan Bircan
- [x] Use `variant_id` in the header (as per `pre_gwas_ssf` standard) - [x] Rename the file with their `GCST_ID.txt` for harmonisation
Using the script at `/hps/software/users/parkinso/spot/gwas/prod/scripts/cron/start_harmonisation_pre_standard_goci1226.sh` ``` Job is submitted to default queue . ```
Added `chromosome` and `bas_pair_location` columns filled with `NA` and submitted again. ``` Job is submitted to default queue . ```
Harmonised files, metadata files, running logs and .tbi files are copied to the respective harmonised directories. - http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST002001-GCST003000/GCST002047/harmonised/ - http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST008001-GCST009000/GCST008396/harmonised/
Fixed the following fields: ``` genome_assembly: GRCh38 is_harmonised: true is_sorted: true ``` @earlEBI Could you check again please? Thanks.
I thought that's because it's a very old submission. And also they are not available in the ingest api. @sajo-ebi https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/ingest/api/v2/studies/GCST008396 https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/ingest/api/v2/studies/GCST002047
TODO: Update sumstats tools so that we fetch the REST API if Ingest API does not return any data.
Regenerated YAML files for GCST002047 and GCST008396. Expect them in the public ftp in 2 days.
YAML files are in staging FTP but not in public FTP. The reason why it didn't sync is in our ftp-sync code, we only filter the files that start with...
Sure, assigning to myself.