Kanit Wongsuphasawat

Results 159 comments of Kanit Wongsuphasawat

> Is there a notion of macros today? Vega-Lite itself is pretty much a macro for Vega. :)

We also run into this bug during a hackathon at Databricks.

@nicolaskruchten Sorry for a delay, I agree with the problem you mentioned here. From a quick exploration, we can leverage `labelOffset` and a scale expression like [this](https://vega.github.io/editor/#/url/vega-lite/N4IgJghgLhIFygK4CcA29zQgegM4FNopV8BaAd0KgAt9kA6AY1wDcQBfAGhHIEswa8AKwAGEdwC2EZAGsMAI2khu+AHaMA9mF6qA5vFAAPAyCi8J+AKqreUDBI2rB3AGa98qMBkhR8y0wCeAA5+cKb4EkEayBDo3BCGvLgmqBDyHgBiqIi41PAusQTcqemoAPIuLgR2YSL0QgAEAFQNABS4jLH4rQDkhj2cDWYWFVX4UL0OTtQDDT6IEvQssYj4AJRrDaQNHV29-YPzi8vZ62v+JR4AooZByN7QC-Q6YPiGDQC8Xw0AjA0A-A0ej0GnA5o9Fpd0OwuCAAiYILpdMh8LpoKEQBYIKp-G4PF4wnd8IxeEFbNBeI4ODCgA) Obviously, we shouldn't...

Thinking more, one of the tricky part though, is how to pick the right unit to offset by. Given that we don't know the tick step for sure. For example,...

Btw, another alternative to this problem: > month names at the midpoint of the months is to shift the bar by half a unit. So it acts like overlaying a...

I'm adding [a PR](https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/pull/9126) for option 2: Make timeUnit transform interact with bandPosition. Essentially, we can consider the fact that the old bandPosition doesn't work with bar/rect a bug. I'll...

Also, any reason why `"interpolate": "linear-closed"` should be used?