Kamil Cetin
Kamil Cetin
When I run roslaunch rexrov2_gazebo start_demo_pid_controller.launch teleop_on:=true joy_id:=0 I have the similar problem as you had before; Resource not found: uuv_simulation_wrapper ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros ROS path [1]=/home/robotic/catkin_ws/src ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/melodic/share...
I had the same problem of AttributeError: 'ModbusIOException' object has no attribute 'getRegister' I did all things above, but did not solve it. When I changed my RS485-USB interface board,...
Yes, I have already tried to increase low_pass_filter_coeff to more than 2 up to 200 before, but it never decreases the the oscillations at the beginning of the movement. Nevertheless,...
In the definitions of the parameters, it says that "publish_period: define the rate of outgoing joint commands. Typically in the 60-125 Hz range." On the other hand, I am trying...
Do you mean jog_arm_server/joint_delta_jog_cmds ?
When I tried to publish joint_command_in_topic with the messages of jog_msgs::JogJoint through my code and to subscribe it by /jog_arm_server node, there is not any movement because I cannot see...