Kami Development

Results 45 comments of Kami Development

Zlib was installed. But it seems that -DZIG_STATIC_ZLIB=on is needed to build sucessfully. Thanks a lot!

Stage 2 and 3 also build without problems. Behavior tests pass for stage1 and stage2 and panics for stage3. This happened before the llvm14 upgrade, too.

I just updated the wiki page for build issues with what currently works for M1 Mac. As @topolarity just wrote on Discord, adding -DZIG_STATIC_ZLIB=ON is just a workaround until llvm-config...

Yes, it's apparently a more general problem. I can't test on Arch Linux right now. But I just checked and the '-DZIG_STATIC_ZLIB=on' workaround is useful for an Intel Mac, too....

I couldn't find an open LLVM issue with that problem. But maybe I didn't search for the right thing. @andrewrk, can you remember some of the old issues for this?...

> @kamidev > > I can't find the very exact open issue, only related ones Thank you @matu3ba! Yes, those sort of stick out among recent llvm-config problems. And missing...

Good news! The PR from @topolarity (https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/12136) that merged yesterday apparently fixed the linker issue. Which means the zlib workaround is no longer necessary. Installing from source on ARM Macs...

_Update. Some good news and some bad news._ Good: recent versions of zig (> 0.10.0-dev.3383) provide an easy way to do static builds. The same way works for both ARM...

``` ➜ zig git:(master) ✗ cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm) -DZIG_PREFER_CLANG_CPP_DYLIB=true; make install -- The C compiler identification is AppleClang -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang...

But this binary is bad and running it does occasionally produce weird errors. Fortunatately, there is an easy explanation for that. ``` ➜ build git:(master) ✗ /Users/jonas/src/zig/zig/build/stage1/bin/zig version 0.10.0-dev.3383+3cf8f283d error:...