@DenAbr Is it good api for you? 😉 ```java public class GlowstoneTest extends JavaPlugin implements Listener { @Override public void onEnable() { Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); } @EventHandler public void onSessionInit(SessionInitEvent event)...
I'm planing add it in glowstone, not in bukkit/glowkit :wink: "Unofficial packet events" :smile:
@mastercoms that events are called from other thread (not main), and it is only used for synchronization [there](https://github.com/GlowstoneMC/GlowstonePlusPlus/blob/master/src/main/java/net/glowstone/EventFactory.java#L44) I mean to add way to delay event, like BungeeCord has
No. Small example: We have PlayerSpawnLocationEvent, it is called in main thread. Location is saved in mysql, so java will wait for that data. It cause some lags :confused: Solution:...
Gdy ma się drop 50% to tak jest XD Ale swoją drogą filtr na nazwę i tag gildii byłby dobry. Tak żeby gracze nie ustawiali wulgaryzmów, reklam innych serwerów itp
Wrapping classes is good option, but what about events? What about their classes? SpongeAPI has interfaces, should we implement they in Glowkit? And what about custom events between Bukkit and...
@Tonodus, your last sentence means SpongeAPI should be main implementation and then wrap it into bukkit?
@PaulBGD so when we should change api to SpongeAPI? Now we have a lot of code to rewrite, but in future we will have it more
So when can we start changing it? :smile:
So, we can create other tree to it ;)