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Packet API
Are there any plans for implementing api for interacting with packet(eg. interception of packet sending/receiving)?
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This is already possible and has been done successfully by ProtocolSupport.
I'm interested in some built-in feature without injecting any stuff
I'm not really sure what such a feature would provide over the usual injection techniques.
Do you have some specific use-case in mind?
I'm just talking about packet send/receive events(like in this branch) or ability to register (sync/async)packet listeners(like in ProtocolLib)
Alright, well I'll assign this to @mastercoms for now and he'll get back to you on it when he can, but I don't anticipate there being much extra on top of Netty.
Well, I tried to implement this feature as how I imagine it
It's a great idea, but it's not good for us to just implement it right away, as that was why the packets branch PR was closed.
It would be better to start a discussion for designing and planning the packet API on the forums, and continue from there.
It's been a few months but there is no any progress...
Yes, unfortunately, in the time that we've had, we've found other things to do that to us felt more valuable for us to do in that time than the packet API. Though, a packet API would be a very nice addition, and perhaps you could get the discussion going on our forums and if you're interested enough, present a design for a packet API and perhaps continue your fork with what you'd like to see in a packet API.
@DenAbr If my comments make you think that I'm not interested in having a packet API, please understand that I am completely supportive of a packet API. But also understand we have only have 1 or 2 active devs working on this project at any given time, and it's extremely hard for me at least to do every single feature or fix that I want to do, so I have to put off some things to later. It's unfortunate that we have to make sacrifices like this, but due to the lack of developers, we have no choice.
I understand this and this is good that you support packet api. It gives me hope
@DenAbr Is it good api for you? 😉
public class GlowstoneTest extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
public void onSessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) {
public void onPacketSend(PacketSendEvent event) {
Message message = event.getMessage();
if (message instanceof StatusResponseMessage) {
System.out.println("Status reponse: " + ((StatusResponseMessage) message).getJson());
} else if (message instanceof JoinGameMessage) {
System.out.println("Join Message: " + message.toString());
public void onPacketReceive(PacketReceiveEvent event) {
Message message = event.getMessage();
if (message instanceof HandshakeMessage) {
HandshakeMessage hs = (HandshakeMessage) message;
System.out.println("Handshake: " + hs.getAddress() + ":" + hs.getPort() + " v" + hs.getVersion());
12:53:01 [INFO] Ready for connections.
12:53:03 [INFO] Handshake: localhost:25565 v316
12:53:03 [INFO] Status reponse: {"modinfo":{"modList":[],"type":"VANILLA"},"players":{"max":20,"online":0},"description":{"text":"A Glowstone server"},"version":{"protocol":316,"name":"1.11.2"}}
12:54:51 [INFO] Handshake: localhost:25565 v316
12:54:51 [INFO] Join Message: JoinGameMessage(id=0, mode=0, dimension=0, difficulty=2, maxPlayers=20, levelType=default, reducedDebugInfo=false)
12:54:52 [INFO] kamcio96 [/] connected, UUID: 143a0fb4-11e7-39f2-95ad-cff9a7acdc10
12:54:52 [INFO] kamcio96 joined the game
This is good but this API also needs async events
Good API, what do you think about implementing it in official Bukkit API?
I'm planing add it in glowstone, not in bukkit/glowkit :wink: "Unofficial packet events" :smile:
What I would suggest is to get ProtocolLib working on Glowstone. A brand new API would be cool, but instead of "reinventing the wheel", we could port it.
Also, many plugins already use ProtocolLib, and developers have gotten used to its API. Designing a new one would be kind-of pointless in my opinion.
ProtocolLib repo:
Working ProtocolLib would be great thing.
If we're interested in this, maybe we could contact the developer of ProtocolLib and ask if we can help them add Glowstone support?
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