Carlos A. Pedreros Lizama
Carlos A. Pedreros Lizama
Thanks for the instructions. I will start the fork of the project and start with the creation of the file. When i finish i will make a pull request for...
Just create the pull request #324 with the translated files. I hope this could be usefull. Best regards,
Testing my self in a couple VM based in CentOS 7 and Rocky Linux, using Cloud-init. When i create de VM from a 10 GB template, i can resize without...
Hi! I'll wait further instructions. In the mean time I fork the repository and configure de Xcode project adding the spanish for latinamerica (es_419) to determinate the complexity to provide...
Transifex username: cpedreros
Don't worry, i understand how difficult could be. Anything a could help, just let me know. =)
> You're in. Do you see an "eduVPN apple (macOS/iOS)" project in Transifex now that you can contribute to? Great! i'm in! Now 475 lines to translate, and counting...