Kai Winter

Results 6 issues of Kai Winter

I'm trying since hours to place a MapFragment as parallax header for a ListView. No luck. Is it possible with the library? With my XML below the ListView isn't scollable...

The changes I made (adding `ordinateFlags`) are mainly taken over from the `WKTReader`/`WKTWriter`.

When using `WKBWriter` to write a Geometry which has XYM coordinates and afterwards using `WKBReader` for reading the result. The Geometry has XYZ coordinates instead of XYM coordinates. Here is...

This introduces two build variants: one for the Google Play Store (google) and one for F-Droid (fdroid). The google variant is equal to the previous variant-free version. The fdroid variant...

While I was following [this guide](https://apple.github.io/turicreate/docs/userguide/object_detection/data-preparation.html) I needed BoundingBoxEditor to export the annotations to a CSV file. As the format is pretty specific, I'm not sure if it may be...