Kai Winter

Results 13 comments of Kai Winter

[Notifications in the notification area](http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html) aren't available yet. But they should be really easy to implement by extending [AbstractUserNotification](https://github.com/kaiwinter/android-remote-notifications/blob/master/android-remote-notifications/src/main/java/com/github/kaiwinter/androidremotenotifications/model/impl/AbstractUserNotification.java). - The new notification type has to be registered in the...

Yes, I know... I couldn't manage to put the map fragment as the header. As I declare it in the XML I didn't know where to put it else. I...

These are the `tagId`s which get processed: 258 259 262 273 277 278 279 282 283 296 256 257 258

Those tags are all in different IFDs. Please ignore my previous comment as I wasn't aware of the exact TIFF structure but now I read some of the specification. I...

German umlauts are working just fine: ![Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 13 51 05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110982/157242171-832d0d21-4e9c-4963-9b43-a6d221c33f0d.png)

I could contribute the build variant part. But I have no idea how to build rclone with the NDK or by Gradle. Should I start working on the build variant...

Yes sure. Currently I'm using a workaround with a `GeometryFactory` but I would love to get rid of it as it most probably impacts performance. When thinking of a fix...

Are there still open issues or may this PR be merged?

@oers Does the `WKTWriter` handle XYZM coordination correctly? If not this should better be fixed together in a new pull request maybe. If it does I could add your fix...