Kai Aichholz
Kai Aichholz
+1 on this merge...
+1 ... looks like it has been a while
+1 for Dockerfile and/or patches. Trying to deploy to a cluster running both arm64 and amd64 nodes, and can't set a nodeSelector for the connectionPooler settings in Postgresql custom resource...
+1 on this issue. I'm running kubernetes in an Orbstack Linux VM on MacOS. Mirrord worked flawlessly with Orbstack v1.5.1 and has this issue with v1.6.x. DNS queries are being...
hey apologies I missed this. Here is the error I'm getting on v3.82.0: ``` New mirrord version available: 3.108.0. To update, run: `"curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metalbear-co/mirrord/main/scripts/install.sh | bash"`. To disable version...