Kristian Agasøster Haaga
Kristian Agasøster Haaga
## Issue Identical footnote IDs appearing multiple times in a docstring, or in different docstrings that are collected on the same HTML page, are rendered multiple times in the footnote...
`bin(x::AbstractUncertainIndexValueDataset, binning::AbstractBinnedUncertainValueResampling` currently resamples **all** values in `x`. It is only necessary to resample elements of `x` whose indices have supports that overlap with the grid in `binning`.
`combine` only works on vectors of uncertain values at the moment. Should also work on tuples.
- `resample_elwise(x::UncertainIndexValueDataset)` => `Vector{NTuple{2, T}}` - `resample_elwise(x::UncertainIndexValueDataset, n::Int)` => `Vector{Vector{NTuple{2, T}}}` where each vector of tuples is of length `n`
Represent as n-tuples of uncertain values? Probably a good idea. Then we can have the dimension of the value as a type parameter.
Sort uncertain points according to the median of their distribution.
Extend methods from [Distances.jl]( for uncertain datasets. Need to decide on details before implementing.
We need sampling constraints for both `UncertainIndexValueDataset` and `UncertainValueDataset`. In particular, we need the following `SamplingConstraint`s for regular `UncertainDataset`s. - [x] `NoConstraint`. Sample the full distributions. - [x] `TruncateLowerQuantile`. Truncate...