Kael Dai

Results 15 comments of Kael Dai

It looks like mpi4py is not installed. If you are using conda you should be able to install it using ```bash $ conda install mpi4py ```

Hi @mariakesa - can you look to see if you have a directory called **_sim_ch05/components/point_neuron_models_dir/_** or is it called **_sim_ch05/components/point_neuron_models/_** (eg no _dir ending)? When I try running build_env() it...

That looks correct. The problem seems to be in the simulation_config.json is not pointing to the correct directory, I think the line in the config json should be changed from:...

Looks good, feel free to merge when you are ready.

Hi @CatarinaM17, Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. It looks like your ```xstim_electrode.csv``` file is missing a "electrode_mesh_file" column. so in that file change it to: | ip...

Hi @mariakesa, spike-train csv files should contain at-least 2 columns "node_ids" (containing positive integer) and "timestamps" (floating point value in milliseconds from start of simulation), with each row corresponds to...

@crohlicek I created a branch + bionet example that should record all the mechanism states and parameters from the soma of the cells. You'll need to pull the feature/record_mechanisms branch;...

Hi @crohlicek - it looks like you're missing the [biophys_components/ directory](https://github.com/AllenInstitute/bmtk/tree/develop/docs/examples/biophys_components). You'll need to download all the subdirectories otherwise bmtk/NEURON won't be able to find the cell/synapse/mechanism files. If you...

Hi @moravveji, BMTK it-self does not directly call srun or mpirun. It uses standard mpi4py library which relies on your locally installed version of OpenMPI. We've ran large bmtk simulation...