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05_pointnet_modeling.ipynb gives error "Exception: Could not find any network files. Unable to build network."

Open mariakesa opened this issue 3 years ago • 13 comments


I ran the notebook "05_pointnet_modeling.ipynb" and I get the error:

OSError Traceback (most recent call last) in 2 3 configure = pointnet.Config.from_json('sim_ch05/simulation_config.json') ----> 4 configure.build_env() 5 network = pointnet.PointNetwork.from_config(configure) 6 sim = pointnet.PointSimulator.from_config(configure, network)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/core/ in build_env(self, force) 95 96 self._set_logging() ---> 97, self.log_file, self.overwrite_output) 98 self.copy_to_output() 99 self.env_built = True

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/pointnet/ in setup_output_dir(self, config_dir, log_file, overwrite) 57 58 def setup_output_dir(self, config_dir, log_file, overwrite=True): ---> 59 super(NestIOUtils, self).setup_output_dir(config_dir, log_file, overwrite=True) 60 if n_nodes > 1 and rank == 0: 61 io.log_info('Running NEST with MPI ({} cores)'.format(n_nodes))

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/core/ in setup_output_dir(self, output_dir, log_file, overwrite) 80 if os.path.exists(output_dir): 81 if overwrite: ---> 82 shutil.rmtree(output_dir) 83 os.makedirs(output_dir) 84 else:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/ in rmtree(path, ignore_errors, onerror) 496 os.rmdir(path) 497 except OSError: --> 498 onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info()) 499 else: 500 try:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/ in rmtree(path, ignore_errors, onerror) 494 _rmtree_safe_fd(fd, path, onerror) 495 try: --> 496 os.rmdir(path) 497 except OSError: 498 onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info())

OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/output'

This happens although the directory is empty.

Help would be appreciated!

mariakesa avatar Sep 18 '21 01:09 mariakesa

I was able to get rid of the Directory not empty error by pressing Ctrl+H in the folder and deleting the hidden files, but I still get the following error:

2021-09-22 19:45:08,416 [INFO] Created log file INFO:NestIOUtils:Created log file 2021-09-22 19:45:08,418 [ERROR] Could not find any network files. Unable to build network. ERROR:NestIOUtils:Could not find any network files. Unable to build network.

Exception Traceback (most recent call last) in 3 configure = pointnet.Config.from_json('sim_ch05/simulation_config.json') 4 configure.build_env() ----> 5 network = pointnet.PointNetwork.from_config(configure) 6 sim = pointnet.PointSimulator.from_config(configure, network) 7

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/core/ in from_config(cls, conf, **properties) 225 226 if not config.with_networks: --> 227'Could not find any network files. Unable to build network.') 228 229 # TODO: These are simulator specific

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/core/ in log_exception(self, message) 120 121 self.barrier() --> 122 raise Exception(message) 123 124

Exception: Could not find any network files. Unable to build network.

Any help would be appreciated!

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 mariakesa

This is my config file

{'manifest': {'workingdir': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk', 'configdir': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05', 'configfname': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/simulation_config.json', 'time': '20-03-24', 'date': '2021-09-22', 'datetime': '2021-09-22_20-03-24', 'BASE_DIR': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05', 'OUTPUT_DIR': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/output'}, 'target_simulator': 'NEST', 'run': {'tstart': 0.0, 'tstop': 3000.0, 'dt': 0.01}, 'output': {'log_file': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/output/log.txt', 'output_dir': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/output', 'spikes_file': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/output/spikes.h5', 'quiet_simulator': True}, 'reports': {}, 'node_sets_file': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/node_sets.json', 'inputs': {'LGN_spikes': {'input_type': 'spikes', 'module': 'h5', 'input_file': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/lgn_spikes.h5', 'node_set': 'LGN'}}, 'config_path': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/simulation_config.json', 'config_dir': '/media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05', 'node_sets': {'biophysical_nodes': {'model_type': 'biophysical'}, 'point_nodes': {'model_type': 'point_process'}}}

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 mariakesa

So I manually included the following lines into the simulation_config.json:

{ "networks": { "nodes": [ { "nodes_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/V1_nodes.h5", "node_types_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/V1_node_types.csv" }, { "nodes_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/LGN_nodes.h5", "node_types_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/LGN_node_types.csv" } ], "edges": [ { "edges_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/V1_V1_edges.h5", "edge_types_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/V1_V1_edge_types.csv" }, { "edges_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/LGN_V1_edges.h5", "edge_types_file": "$BASE_DIR/network/LGN_V1_edge_types.csv" } ] },

"components": { "morphologies_dir": "$BASE_DIR/components/morphologies", "synaptic_models_dir": "$BASE_DIR/components/synaptic_models", "mechanisms_dir":"$BASE_DIR/components/mechanisms", "point_neuron_models_dir": "$BASE_DIR/components/point_neuron_models_dir" } }

The error of "Could not find any network files." disappeared, but now I get this error:

Exception: Could not find node dynamics_params file /media/maria/DATA1/Documents/documents/NeuroPixelsDataAnalysis/bmtk/sim_ch05/components/point_neuron_models_dir/472363762_point.json.

Thank you for any help that you would be able to provide:-)

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 mariakesa

Hi @mariakesa - can you look to see if you have a directory called sim_ch05/components/point_neuron_models_dir/ or is it called sim_ch05/components/point_neuron_models/ (eg no _dir ending)? When I try running build_env() it should create a folder point_neuron_models/ with the correct json file.

kaeldai avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 kaeldai


Yeah, there's a directory like that! And there's a file too, "472363762_point.json". But I guess it doesn't have the right contents?

Here's what's inside:

{ "I_e": 0.0, "tau_m": 44.9, "C_m": 239.0, "t_ref": 3.0, "E_L": -78.0, "V_th": -43.0, "V_reset": -55.0 }

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 mariakesa

That looks correct. The problem seems to be in the simulation_config.json is not pointing to the correct directory, I think the line in the config json should be changed from:

"point_neuron_models_dir": "$BASE_DIR/components/point_neuron_models**_dir**"

I think should be changed to

"point_neuron_models_dir": "$BASE_DIR/components/point_neuron_models"

kaeldai avatar Sep 22 '21 18:09 kaeldai

Thanks that solved that error:-)

But there's a next one:-D

2021-09-22 21:03:43,488 [INFO] Created log file 2021-09-22 21:03:43,507 [INFO] Batch processing nodes for V1/0. 2021-09-22 21:03:43,549 [INFO] Batch processing nodes for LGN/0. 2021-09-22 21:03:43,621 [INFO] Setting up output directory 2021-09-22 21:03:43,622 [INFO] Building cells. 2021-09-22 21:03:43,636 [INFO] Building recurrent connections Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 14, in main('simulation_config.json') File "", line 9, in main sim = pointnet.PointSimulator.from_config(configure, network) File "/home/maria/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/pointnet/", line 236, in from_config graph.build_recurrent_edges() File "/home/maria/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bmtk-0.0.9-py3.7.egg/bmtk/simulator/pointnet/", line 143, in build_recurrent_edges nest.Connect(nest_srcs, nest_trgs, conn_spec='one_to_one', syn_spec=edge.nest_params) File "/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/nest/", line 246, in stack_checker_func return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/nest/lib/", line 210, in Connect sps(pre) File "pynestkernel.pyx", line 221, in pynestkernel.NESTEngine.push File "pynestkernel.pyx", line 317, in pynestkernel.python_object_to_datum ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'long'

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 19:09 mariakesa

Do you know what version of NEST you have installed?

kaeldai avatar Sep 22 '21 19:09 kaeldai


          -- N E S T --

Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative

Version: nest-2.20.1

mariakesa avatar Sep 22 '21 19:09 mariakesa

I am also getting the similar error.

File "/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/nest/lib/", line 312, in Connect sps(syn_spec) File "pynestkernel.pyx", line 221, in pynestkernel.NESTEngine.push File "pynestkernel.pyx", line 295, in pynestkernel.python_object_to_datum File "pynestkernel.pyx", line 317, in pynestkernel.python_object_to_datum ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'double'

My NEST version is also nest-2.20.1

aitsam12 avatar Sep 14 '22 13:09 aitsam12

Can you let us know how and when you installed BMTK as well so I can try to replicate the error? And are you also running tutorial 05?

brainmodelingtools avatar Sep 16 '22 17:09 brainmodelingtools

I recently installed NEST-2.20.1. I am using PyNN. My task is to convert ANN to SNN with SNNtoolbox. When I use the NEST simulator with PyNN then i am getting above error.

Thank you in advance

aitsam12 avatar Sep 28 '22 13:09 aitsam12

We are not able to support PyNN or SNNtoolbox, but one thought is whether any properties in the syn_specs being passed to Nest are supposed to be ints (e.g., receptor port) but are being sent as floats? If you're still having issues, good places to turn for Nest help would be:

  •[email protected]/ If you figure out the cause of this error, it would be helpful to post back what you find.


xpliu16 avatar Sep 28 '22 18:09 xpliu16