I'm experiencing the same problem and it looks like other people have been as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/FixMyPrint/comments/1764ewy/stringing_after_switching_to_orca_slicer/ It seems like this [user](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixMyPrint/comments/1764ewy/comment/k9quany/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) commented something similar to @NeverUsedID, so maybe this has...
I would also like to switch emoji packs. Maybe offering a choice between iOS, the current and twemoji would be nice.
I'm having this issue as well.
> I doubt this will ever be a perfect pen illustration tool. I am sorry about that. No worries, I appreciate the work you've put into it though. > I...
> Is this referring to an Excalidraw document like this? Mine is basically like that but with a bunch of screenshots from my math textbook. I find it just gets...