specimen-skeleton copied to clipboard
An Eleventy-based specimen boilerplate
There's many more things we can extract from the font. Users now manually add this info, as is done [here](https://github.com/markboulton/specimen-builder/blob/master/src/_data/content.js) (private repo at the moment). We could hook this up...
Do not mutate files, but write them once all data is gathered (see https://github.com/kabisa/specimen-skeleton/pull/58#discussion_r486812447) (Optionally, clear out `_data` dir before generating new fonts, so as to not confuse the site...
Add `eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({ "src/public": "." });` to eleventy config, see https://github.com/etunni/Arapey-Minisite/blob/master/.eleventy.js#L56
Like [Flont](https://github.com/kabisa/specimen-skeleton/issues/52) does!
- loader - message for when var fonts are support
https://github.com/kabisa/specimen-skeleton/blob/master/src/js/main.js#L101 Use `el.isIntersecting` instead of checking the ratio
As per https://www.zachleat.com/web/preload/
To disable Jekyll processing by GitHub Pages. This makes deployments faster and also prevents issues with GitHub Pages trying to process deployments as it if were a Jekyll site, which...
We should avoid the `--wght` variable, and use `font-weight` instead. This means the `--wght` variable doesn't need to be set, and should be removed from the `font-variation-settings` rule.
To answer the question "why is that file there and why do I need images in my JavaScript?"