
Results 66 comments of Mark

@agrare I do have a security_group ruby method for dynamic dialog and another one for creating aws security group using ruby sdk which I've written and it gets invoked. I'm...

@kavyanekkalapu > Are you in master or Morphy branch? I'm in master branch > Is this summary page or edit page? Its the edit page - Configuration -> Edit selected...

@kavyanekkalapu Can you tell me what you mean by `bin/update`? I'm not sure what you meant by that. I was thinking about trying morphy branch

Update: Morphy version doesn't have this bug. I'm able to save the changes.

@jrafanie Why is it modifying TENANT_ACCESS_STRATEGY doesn't change anything? I modified the provider section to descendant_ids and also changed it to nil. I want the parent provider not visible to...

@akhilkr128 Is there a temporary workaround or a patch that I can I apply and test?

@akhilkr128 Can you tell me location of the ruby file get_option function is defined? I can try and modify it as per my need. I tried searching but couldn't find...

@akhilkr128 It shows we supports array in the comment. Can we not just modify `data.kind_of?(Array) ? data.first : data` and return array? def self.get_option(key, value, from) # Return value -...

@kbrock Is this how should it be? I want to return the whole array to the launch_ansible_job not just the first value (I've modified the launch_ansible_job to loop through array)....

@kbrock nope that doesn't help. I tested it and still its empty. Doesn't return array or any value.