Kate Hertweck
Kate Hertweck
After teaching with (and modifying) slides for instructor training a few times and reading through the comments above, here's my synthesis: Using Google Slides provide the following advantages: - version...
I'm frustrated that Zoom keeps changing its interface between times I teach. I can only imagine what it's like for learners. I think having a link handy for how to...
Sure thing, adding this to the list to discuss. @rgaiacs
The research computing community is so ready for a book like ours, since they're so used to seeing suboptimal research software. [CaRCC](https://carcc.org) is really active right now.
Solution for specifying paths for GitHub installs here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24646065/how-to-specify-lib-directory-when-installing-development-version-r-packages-from ``` library(devtools) withr::with_libpaths(new = "/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6", install_github('github_user/repo')) ``` Also this for Bioconductor packages: ``` if (!require(package)) { if (!library(package)) { BiocManager::install("package") }...
@lakikowolfe This would be a great issue for you to tackle, as it would also give you encouragement to get to know `rhino` better. Happy to talk to you more...
A nice explanation from @fizwit in response to a question asked via help ticket: Install.packages() breaks because it uses the first path from .libPaths() which is always the system path....
Add this to R tips and tricks: https://sciwiki.fredhutch.org/compdemos/R_tips_tricks/
I don't think so. I assigned myself, since I handled some questions about it
From discussion with community member: **General comments:** Overall I feel like it is information overload. What I think may help me understand the pages better is a search tree-like structure....