Klaus Hartl
Klaus Hartl
- none of the fonts referenced in [gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto), `style.mss` are found. Not even one that I had looked up in `/Library/Fonts` worked. - for `carto`, the warning looks like mentioned...
``` Some text{{< cite "author2022" >}}. And some more text {{< cite "-author2022" >}}. A third {{< cite "author2022" >}} sentence. ``` Following line is what is happening, the line...
Closes #66
So, if example data in _Biblatex_ format would look like this: ```bibtex @movie{scorsese1976, author = {Scorsese, Martin}, year = {1976}, title = {Taxi Driver}, publisher = {Columbia Pictures}, } ```...