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Add APA7 bib style for movies/films
So, if example data in Biblatex format would look like this:
author = {Scorsese, Martin},
year = {1976},
title = {Taxi Driver},
publisher = {Columbia Pictures},
And was easily converted to CSL-JSON using pandoc,
cat "bib.bibtex" | pandoc -f bibtex -t csljson -o "bib.json"
resulting in:
"author": [{"family": "Scorsese", "given": "Martin"}],
"id": "scorsese1976",
"issued": {"date-parts": [[1976]]},
"publisher": "Columbia Pictures",
"title": "Taxi Driver",
"type": "motion_picture"
In the reference list, that entity type (motion_picture
), according to the APA Publication Manual, sec. 10.12, 7th edition,[^1] should appear like this:
Scorsese, M. (Director). (1976). Taxi Driver [Film]. Columbia Pictures.
[^1]:; Note that only the first section of this page is being reflected in this issue.