Results 52 issues of Konrad Abicht

I am one of the maintainers/supporters of RDF libraries such as hardf, ARC2 and Saft, written in PHP. And i am currently evaluating, if its worth working on a (basic)...

As far as I understand, blank node labels in NQuads can include `-`, `.` and `_` too. Specification requires these characters not being at the beginning of the label,...

**Version**: **Input CSV**: **Mapping**: The TTL **output** file is about `60 MB`. But after running ``` rapper -i turtle -o turtle ~/Docker-Containers/sparqlmap/data/output.ttl >! ~/Downloads/output.ttl rapper: Parsing URI...

In case he can't bind a column, besides a clear warning, it throws an `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException` exception: ``` 13:53:55,009 [restartedMain] WARN SparqlMapBuilder$SparqlMapMappingBuilder : Cannot bind col "invalid------Stufen-bis-Toilette-Farbliche-Markierung-erste-u-letzte-Stufe" in mapping java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...

I used the latest available release inside a Docker container: ``` ``` Sparqlmap is called with the following command: ```bash # variables SCRIPT=`realpath $0` WORK_DIR=`dirname $SCRIPT` SPARQLMAP_VERSION=0.7.5 MAPPING_FILE=r2rml-mapping.ttl INPUT_FILE=input.csv...

Calling the SPARQL endpoint with **query** parameter `http://localhost:8090/api/sparql/?query=123` leads to a file download with an empty file. On the console, sparqlmap prints: ``` 15:32:08,577 [qtp408454989-14] ERROR SparqlMapWebController : Throwable caught:...

Part of the log with mentioned exception: ```] : Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} DEBUG 2016-12-06 16:00:29,242 [main][] : Updating cluster description to {type=UNKNOWN,...

EasyRdf repository has [8 open pull requests]( and the author being inactive for over 2 years. There is no development and feedback (latest commit is from Aug 31, 2021). In...

**Problem:** Activity tab shows changes of persons who didn't do them. I spoke with involved people and we could verify, that they didn't do particular changes (e.g. they weren't even...

needs info
0. Needs triage

[This]( cube seems fine, but cubevizjs doesn't load it properly. * i uploaded it * dataset and measure view in the menu seems fine * but attributes and other menu-parts...
