Results 52 issues of Konrad Abicht

@fteichmann and i tried the following cube, which wasn't working in the latest version of CubeVizJS. The dimension elements are not visible, but the ones of the standard cube are....


Begin with measures in UI to decide which attribute to show and vice versa to avoid selecting attributes with measure which have relationship.


This issue occurs in relation to OntoWiki! I am in an action of a controller. For instance: ``` class CollaboController extends OntoWiki_Controller_Component { /** * Import an ontology for given...

feature / backend virtuoso
workflow / needs info
feature / backend zenddb

The demo page seems faulty and provided test data doesn't lead to a visualization. It seems like something is missing in the data. So please: * [ ] Fix example...

That is an issue based on an email, maybe its author can contribute directly using Github. He wrote: > when i go to the CubeViz: Analyze DataCube menu option I...


**TypeScript Repo:** That issue collects information about the port to TypeScript 1.5. That was prefered because of changed packages and better support for ECMA features. Furthermore, that port will...

If there are changed measure values and the use want to export them as RDF-Turtle, there has to be a solution to export changed measures as well as the original...

feature request