cubevizjs copied to clipboard
Does CubeViz supports sdmx-prefixes?
This cube seems fine, but cubevizjs doesn't load it properly.
- i uploaded it
- dataset and measure view in the menu seems fine
- but attributes and other menu-parts still show information from the standard cube (serbia?)
Besides, error in the browser console:
Error: NO MEASURE FOUND VALIDATION ERROR(…)(anonymous function) @ cubeviz.min.js:8959 cubeviz.min.js:121876 action @ 12:45:16.494 HIDE_SETTINGS_MODAL (in 9.10 ms)
Is the cube invalid or does cubevizjs ignores stuff modeled using SDMX-prefixes? E.g. from here:
eg:refPeriod a rdf:Property, qb:DimensionProperty;
rdfs:label "reference period";
rdfs:subPropertyOf sdmx-dimension:refPeriod;
rdfs:range interval:Interval;
qb:concept sdmx-concept:refPeriod
Problem here is that the data cube has no measure instance. Currently cubeviz needs a measure instance and not just a URI reference.
The cube correctly points to a measure <>
but does not define it in an instance.
Something like this would fix the problem:
<> a cube:MeasureProperty ;
rdfs:label "My Measure Property"@en .