Confirmed to work in latest 5.0 win10
yea its not me and another user see the same thing, rclone can hit close to 600mbit not to mention the drives are capable of 300MBps
can gocrypt read a encfs file? i really don't want to reencrypt everything
that sucks, prolly sticking with this for a while then, are your copy commands full speed?
yea its def something with encfs, cp without going through encfs is full speed close to 700Mbit, i really don't feel like rencrypting argh...
@bgemmill you have a link to what your talking about before i go and spend all day tomorrow trying to set this up
@xelra this is really not working for me, i can't see any update on acd mount after copying over the gocrypt mount without dropping the acd mount and resyncing and...
i am running 1.9.1 now myself and with a change in block size on the creation to 4096, i am seeing close to 100mbit on the copy and overall higher...
@ladude626 yep, everything that is encrypted after you make the change will work, but nothing previous will :-( im on my 4th attempt now at 7tb, its getting tiring
some more info, very confused, if i browse to the ip/setup.xml it comes right up, but neither the computer nor the phones /iphone/s7 can discover it in the app, nor...