arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch copied to clipboard
not discovering
im using
and im getting no where. everything seems to be working just no discovery by alexa
anywhere i can troubleshoot this?
i tried my normal wifi and a hotspot
all i get is
Connecting to WiFi Connecting .... Connected to VWifi IP address: Ask Alexa to discover devices
Connecting to UDP Connection successful HTTP Server started ..
some more info, very confused, if i browse to the ip/setup.xml it comes right up, but neither the computer nor the phones /iphone/s7 can discover it in the app, nor do i see any response in the serial port
<modelDescription>Belkin Plugin Socket 1.0</modelDescription>
let me add something, i do not currently have any form of dot/echo etc. is that required before any device will show up? im not getting any error so i have no idea.
i have a firetv, not that its helping either
I'm experiencing the same problem. Don't own a dot yet either.
I'm being told that a dot/echo is required. as the discovery packet comes from the dot/echo, not the app. i wish someone could confirm
Use if you have discovery issues. This is one of the reasons i built this. Instructions on the home page