Julien Wintz
Julien Wintz
Hi, huge fan of `company-box` and definitely wanna try `sidebar.el`. However, I can't get `icons-in-terminal` working on High Sierra (maybe my fault, I hacked the CoreText stuff to get `all-the-icons`...
Hello, First of all, great package ! I'm now using it on a daily basis. As a fan of spacemacs but reticent to vim bindings, I use `spacemacs-theme` and `spaceline`...
... for custom segments to be rendered correctly in spaceline-compile.
```emacs-lisp (spaceline-helm-mode +1) (spaceline-info-mode +1) ``` Provide a custom modeline to display various information when using `helm` or `info`. The modeline actually reduces its height using these modes. Also, separators...
Test with: ``` make doc-build ``` Review doc in `docs/build/html` ``` make doc-publish ``` Review doc in local branch `gh-pages` If ok, uncomment pushing in root's Makefile target `doc-publish`, the...
Hi, Here is a preview for Elpi's sphinx based documentation to be: https://dream.inria.fr/elpi/ The Test Bed (https://dream.inria.fr/elpi/playground.html#test-bed) is so far only applied to 3 elpi test source files. Will list...
Hi, This issue concerns the `trace-browser` branch, the elaborator specifically. https://github.com/LPCIC/elpi/blob/96c4d071194b4c7f20b9d09754c60a8e76922b07/tests/sources/trace_chr.elab.json#L170 I see a mismatch here, between the sibling `goal_id` and the `goal_text` fields. It might very well be a...
Trying to update the master branch, I can't get the branch to build. https://github.com/LPCIC/coq-elpi/blob/89c534330cfd225f695ad7e0731abf1477b973bd/Makefile#L114 Looks like `Makefile.coq.conf` is missing.
Hi, Thanks for the great package. I however a few questions: - my server ics is very very large, so `org-caldav` asks me wether I want to open it in...
Hello, When using `QWebView` through deployment (using `QtIosCmake`), I had to manually add: - `Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWebViewModule)` - `Q_INIT_RESOURCE(qmake_QtWebView)` This has been found as follows: ```fish λ nm ./qml/QtWebView/libdeclarative_webview.a | c++filt |...