sorry for the incredibly late reply. Holidays was busy. I do not have an otp.bin file in my files9 folder on my sd card. I was able to hardmod and...
I used ninjhax since i have a copy of cubic ninja. I formatted the sd card using the guiformat app listed in plailect guide with 32k sector.
Menuhax was not the issue, still black screen.
yes i have a nand backup, when i get a chance (hopefully this Tuesday) I'm gonna try the hard mod and do the OTPless again.
I got a "Reason: Too Many Requests 429" when it went to try to check me in yesterday. It happened for me and another person for a different flight. I'm...
I was able to check in to some flights this morning without any issue. Same version I was on previously with no changes. Using Docker image on my qnap nas.
> > I was able to check in to some flights this morning without any issue > > Did some flights still fail to check in with the 429? Not...