Justin Weisz
Justin Weisz
@robertoetcheverryr I originally decided to leave it in just in case someone had an already-provisioned visual recognition service, but the likelihood of this keeps going down over time. That said,...
We would not able to officially support the use of Google APIs with TJBot.
Likely not. There's no support for the Watson Visual Recognition service anymore as it's been discontinued, and it seems I really should go ahead with removing it from the TJBot...
Hey @andycitron, happy new year. :) Thanks for the effort you put into TJBot, this is a really great contribution. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make this part of...
Here's the link: https://github.com/ibmtjbot/tjbot/tree/master/featured#microsoft-azure-visual-services-by-andycitron
Hi @andycitron -- take a look at `tjbot.js:792`, where `listen()` is defined: https://github.com/ibmtjbot/tjbotlib/blob/4fe0263bd0050f910752ae589d3b33cdb9cb93ae/src/tjbot.js#L792 The audio isn't stored locally, the data is streamed through a pipe between the microphone and a...
I don't have access to edit the instructions on Instructables, and they were developed a very long time ago so I'm not surprised that they're out of date. For the...
@robertoetcheverryr I'm not sure what you mean by "which is not supported"? It's likely safe to use whatever the latest Node.js version is with TJBot. The bootstrap script installs v15...
We need to decide where @ljmwaugh 's new instructions will live: on the GitHub pages site, or as a new Instructable (or both?). Low priority until we figure out a...
Here are the new hardware setup instructions: [Watson Services in IBM Cloud v3.docx](https://github.com/ibmtjbot/tjbot/files/10415863/Watson.Services.in.IBM.Cloud.v3.docx]