Justin van Grootveld

Results 10 comments of Justin van Grootveld

Doesn't the [built-in type `dir`](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/blob/master/doc/startify.txt#L186-L189)) suffice? Else you could always add an [`Funcref type`](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/blob/master/doc/startify.txt#L204) and implement the method yourself like. Something like: ``` let s:max_files_amount = 100 " List all...

Arrgh! Still no TypeScript support!

I had the same issue with 2 separate checkboxes for which it was not allowed to be both checked. I had to implement the quickfix from @ahmadshahrour951. It would be...

@milad777v2 You need to implement a function on `:before-change`. This is documented in [this example](https://binarcode.github.io/vue-form-wizard/#/?id=call-a-function-before-tab-switch). When you return `false` the tab is not switched. See [this fiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/bt5dhqtf/105/) to play with...

@naefl Thanks a lot for helping! I haven't created much time to work on this repository.

Tested and merged. Thanks again @naefl!

@axieax good find! I don't use this feature myself a lot so didn't walked against this issue yet. I added this in the default config because the feature was already...

@axieax I'm sorry, I found little time with my newborn daughter to implement this as discussed. It would be awesome if you could help with a PR.

At least make the header and row highlighting different and the header indenting. ![image](https://github.com/kepano/obsidian-minimal/assets/1201849/0b0cfba7-3166-4ee9-beab-458a26fa3ca6)