Najm Ul Abideen
Najm Ul Abideen
Hi, your work is absolute talent. Kindly tell me how can I limit the zoom feature as it continues zoom out till vanish and similarly infinite zoom in :(
Hi, For some reason unable to build flash. command: flambe build flash produce error: C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/flash/utils/IDataOutput2.hx:3: lines 3-4 : Class not found : IDataOutput
### Summary of issue I have installed fresh copy and my url is: http://localhost/asgardcms/public/ the url is working fine, saying: Home page, you made it but "administration area" points to...
Hi, Great library very helpful for desktop apps. I am continously getting the following error: ``` Error: Could not find haxelib "haxeui", does it need to be installed? ``` I...
I was using svg with openfl 3 and have already completed the project but to get advantage of openfl 5 I updated and now svg has a bug... ``` /usr/lib/haxe/std/js/_std/Xml.hx:25:...
Hi, I tried your test project using android, its work perfectly for audio and camera (half part) as well but their is a problem, after taking photo it stores it...
I am trying to run app in monodevelop ubuntu, ctrl + F5. I am getting error Description "class not found: tools.haxelib.Main File --macro Project SimpleBox2D Path --macro
Hi, This is my first app using stablexui I am quite old fan of stablexui but now has a chance to implement it, I need InputText to take input from...
Getting this error in server.js, with neko, linux and having doubts in flash/html5 too: ``` POST /echo/805/JgJobUCh/xhr 0ms (unfinished) Unsupported content-type null POST /echo/805/JgJobUCh/jsonp_send 0ms 500 ``` In openfl test...