svg copied to clipboard
SVG not working under openfl 5
I was using svg with openfl 3 and have already completed the project but to get advantage of openfl 5 I updated and now svg has a bug...
/usr/lib/haxe/std/js/_std/Xml.hx:25: lines 25-332 : Field nodeType has different type than in core type
/usr/lib/haxe/std/js/_std/Xml.hx:25: lines 25-332 : XmlType should be XmlType
/usr/lib/haxe/std/js/_std/Xml.hx:25: lines 25-332 : Field parent has different property access than core type
I would love to help you, If I can understand what is going on in line number: 25 as it states
@:coreApi class Xml