Justin Myers
Justin Myers
[Public applications](https://developer.xero.com/documentation/auth-and-limits/public-applications) have a default expiration of 30 minutes (`1800`), not 60 minutes (`3600`) Is there a reason for the higher value?
Xero queries support the `ToLower()` function. Example: `Name.tolower().startswith("office")` I think something like: `xero.contacts.filter(Name__tolower__startswith=query)` I'm happy to put together a PR for this if you agree
We are currently using `v7.13.0` and saw the `Arbitrary Code Execution` bug that was fixed in `v7.16.3`. This breaks a current workflow we have where in `InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines` we import a...
### Problem description Hello! I'm looking into a option for building out python stubs for a project These stubs are specific per for each micro-controller supported, and there is currently...
Update connection code to break out of the retry look when getting either a `Incorrect username/password` or `Unauthorized` response. Noticed in #211, although doesn't fix the original post Tested on...
Is `_backwards_compatible_sock` flag still needed? In `MQTT._sock_exact_recv` there is [this code](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_MiniMQTT/blob/47422868d2ea782c865198d98dc502e4fd721f63/adafruit_minimqtt/adafruit_minimqtt.py#L1171C1-L1208C22): ``` if not self._backwards_compatible_sock: # CPython/Socketpool Impl. ... else: # ESP32SPI Impl. # This will timeout with socket timeout...
Hello! I have created an updated example for Pixeldust, to support the Feather Sense and a few wings that have an accelerometer. I find it super helpful for making sure...
So sorry to open an issue for this, but you don't have discussions enabled. Could you please let me know where you found your [WMM2020_TEST_VALUES.txt](https://github.com/westphae/geomag/blob/master/pkg/wmm/testdata/WMM2020_TEST_VALUES.txt) data? I am writing my...
If circup tries to find the version information in a `.py` file that has ANSI encoded characters like `‘’`, it throws [here](https://github.com/adafruit/circup/blob/main/circup/shared.py#L120C1-L121C41): ``` Found device at D:\, running CircuitPython 9.1.0-beta.3....