Justin Howard

Results 11 comments of Justin Howard

I can reproduce this if I install solargraph globally (`gem install solargraph`), then run `solargraph bundle` on a project without using `bundle exec`. The reason I might want to do...

Looks like this is likely the same issue as https://github.com/castwide/solargraph/issues/384 which has been closed. Looking a bit deeper, I found that I was able to generate the yard documentation for...

This is related to #95 and also seems like a duplicate of #88 and #75. Anyway, a lot of people seem interested in a fix for these issues. - Allow...

A little update here. There are a few folks putting in some time to preserve this and other open-source Fullscreen projects. Before we bring in any outside maintainers, we're looking...

Awesome @kangkyu. Thanks for picking it back up! @deanpcmad, feel free to open some issues or PRs if you'd like to help out with the project!

Can confirm the same issue - NVIM v0.2.2 - Gutentags master (commit 327bd97) It does not happen on v1.0.0

@justinmk Fair enough. I really appreciate gutentags. It's better than any other solution I've tried for vim. It totally makes sense that you wouldn't want to just SIGKILL ctags. However,...

@justinmk Disabling fsync doesn't seem to affect the delay after quit. My test procedure was: ``` $ time nvim -i NONE -c "set nofsync" -c "set noswapfile" -c ':q' path/to/file...

@kangkyu We could consider switching to GH actions. From what I understand, Travis CI for Open Source is defunct.