Justin Fagnani

Results 342 comments of Justin Fagnani

I'm too lazy to search: how do we start the analysis server?

Oh, I guess the suggestion here is for dart-tools to start the analysis server with --observe. I was looking for how I could do that as a user and look...

Is there any chance of moving to native modules in a major release? Every current major browser, and the past 3 major (soon to be 4 next moth) of Node,...

That's unfortunate. I know npm download numbers aren't perfectly representative, but I'd bet that _significant_ fraction of your users are using Koa via TypeScript and would benefit from typings being...

I happen to be part of the group proposing [HTML Modules](https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/645) - the ability to import HTML files into JavaScript modules or via `

Hundreds of stylesheets will be fine. We have lots of experience with styles directly embedded into HTML imports and JS modules on the Polymer team. The future is styles and...

So I modified the gulpfile to build .css into .css.js and this gets things closer to working, but there was an exception about `require` not being defined: ``` languageFeatures.js:192 ReferenceError:...

I forgot about Monaco not being standards compliant here after being away from two years, and hit this roadblock again when trying to load code directly into a browser. Again,...

I have a port of chessboard.js to web components: https://justinfagnani.github.io/chessboard-element/ and an example of using it in React here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-chess-board This works because to React a web component is just...

I think it would be great to get scripts out of the business of directly running sub-steps in their command invocation and instead have them explicitly declare their dependencies, then...