Justin Fagnani

Results 342 comments of Justin Fagnani

I wonder why this feature is being discussed here rather than in https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents? I don't think it's going to be great if we fork the venues for proposals. Are we...

I think this is maybe useful to talk about once scoped custom element registries have landed, but I think it's actively bad to have non-self-defining element classes right now, and...

The thing is that non-self-registering elements are fundamentally unsafe. Any two consumers who want to use the element must agree on a tag name, or one will fail. The only...

> main entry points will always have a side effects what are the problems with side-effects specifically? > will break if you want to use a scoped registry what did...

Note that we have a webcomponents.org logo which is a bit nicer than the two-wrenches logo: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/20091716adcebf86499a1b4e8768ea6f348a8a07a318be3b10279c08cbc5caa7/68747470733a2f2f7765622d636f6d706f6e656e74732d7265736f75726365732e61707073706f742e636f6d2f7374617469632f6c6f676f2e737667 There's no great reason to have separate branding for web components and webcomponents.org....

Yeah, I think if WCCG, webcomponent.org, and sites we collectively manage use a new logo, it'll catch on quickly enough. I personally have a couple of concerns with the WC...

Instance count is there in there count column. It's the total instance count since page load, not just the current in-document count. For import load times, does a top-level import's...

We can incrementally add features. I'd rather we had a pre-built table widget to use I added https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-elements/issues/39 to follow.

Devtools knows nothing about Shady DOM, so all it shows is the composed tree.

Huh, you should show me if you can find it. I've only ever seen the tree of trees view it has now, it'd be nice to see the composed tree...