Justin Hopper

Results 22 comments of Justin Hopper

Has anyone considered using **websockets** to get around the HTTP connection concurrency limits?

Although I don't have a direct solution, I can confirm the following: 1. Sourcemaps are a major source for the problem. Memory spiking in our builds went from 7GB to...

@adnanalbeda Your suggestion works well, as long as it's a safe assumption that the context is only created once within the lifetime of the app (which is the majority of...

@adnanalbeda Yes correct, SomethingA gets what is provided at the first level and SomethingB gets provided at the second level. If we use the `preserveRef` plugin, then both providers would...

> This is the kind of edge case behaviour that would probably affect very few people but those affected would likely be driven to the brink of insanity before they...

@adnanalbeda I also cannot reproduce the bug using the original repo (https://github.com/selrond/vite-react-usecontext) after upgrading it to `[email protected]` and `@vitejs/[email protected]`. Is this bug still occurring in latest? https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-6861mq-hcsekc

I think it's safe to say this project has been abandoned.

That new signature could work nicely, but I suggest it just be defined as another callback, aptly named `setFieldValues` (plural). The current method of `setFieldValue` needs its signature fixed. The...

I certainly would use it. I think this would be the signature you would use: ```typescript export interface FormikActions { setFieldValues(values: Partial): void; } ``` You'd roll through each property...

@rrfaria Most have already been using `@types/emoji-mart` for v4 and older, but this ticket is about the fact that it is out of date since v5 and thus many of...